If you are sticking with us we also ask you to open a support ticket requesting the account move this will help prioritize moves for people that genuinely want to stick around. We understand that all this can be a bit of a pain .. no one knows this better than us really. But we can assure you this is the last time we do something like this. Digital ocean is great company and we are moving there because we have every bit of confidence in them that we will never have issues with them like we had with burstnet. They provide free backups, right now they do not track bandwidth or charge for it because clients can't view any graphs (honest right) The level of support is also great. So we are confident that our setup should thrive in this new data center.
Those of you that are using dedicated IP addresses for SSL enabled websites I am sorry but we will not be able to move your accounts. We will send you a email to let you know of the details but we suggest setting up a droplet with digital ocean and hosting your application there. The reason for this is each droplet is limited to 1 IP so we can't host more then one SSL application since each needs it's own IP.
Thank you for all your continued support in this matter. If any of this is unclear for you please open a support ticket and let us know what you are unsure about.
P.S. The new servers will be much faster then the old ones.
Neděle, Březen 3, 2013